Friday, May 25, 2012

May 24th Meeting

Yesterday's meeting turned into a business session at the end, but we had much to talk about after our critiques.

Marie joined us, and is eager to return. Welcome! Jaimie's book, Support Your RV Lifestyle, has been racking up both national and state awards and recognition. She also reported on a poetry workshop she attended. Marsha secured a book cover designer for her forthcoming novel, Spinster's Folly, and is excited about an image the designer found. Jaimie also shared a couple of articles about punctuation that she found in a blog she follows.

T read a chapter from his memoir, about the experience of writing his first poem ... in sixth grade. His flair for words is so delightful that he could publish it for a larger audience than he foresees doing. Marsha read a scene from chapter thirteen. The members received it well, so she needs to finish the novel soon.

Instead of taking time to free write, we discussed options for meeting places. Each member got an assignment to check out locations and report back so we can decide which option would best serve our meeting place needs. The proposed locations vary from a park ramada to the town meeting hall, so watch for an announcement of where our next meeting will be held.

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